OK, last you heard from me on the topic, we weren't getting the kids the H1N1 vaccine.
Then a school near us was shut down for a day because kids were getting infected and Dave—who is typically very laid back—started getting on my case about the shot. On Saturday, he called our state's Department of Health and found it was offering the vaccine at a senior citizens center 45 minutes away.
My resistance was weak. Typically, I am not a person who gives in to panic. And there is a whole lot of panic surrounding the swine flu, much of it founded on wrong or irrational fears. But in the end, I felt I would be doing my kids a disservice to not protect them from it. Max is prone to getting sick during the winter. Also, my kids receive the regular flu shot, and from what I've read it seems like the H1N1 version is similar in nature even though it hasn't been tested for very long. Important disclaimer: I am not a medical expert. I almost failed 7th grade biology. Please read up on the vaccination and make your own decision.
And so, we got the swine flu shot. I waited on line in the cold, drizzling rain for 45 minutes [insert mournful violin music] while Dave took the kids for lunch.

Once I was at the front of the line, we whisked the kids in and they promptly lost it. Only I had a secret weapon.

This is the Buzzy, a device invented by Dr. Amy Baxter, a pediatric emergency doctor. It's supposed to "take the sting out of shots." First you put a cold pack (included) near the area where your child is getting the shot. Next you place the Buzzy there, flick on a switch and it starts vibrating. Basically, the buzzing is said to "confuse" the body's nerves and distract attention away from the shot, reducing or eliminating sharp pain. It costs $34.95, plus shipping.
I'd told the kids about the Buzzy before we went, and let them see how it felt. I think it definitely made the shot less painful—they basically quit crying seconds after they got it, as opposed to their typical drawn-out sobbing fits. Although I wish it came with a magic wand to make kids stop wailing in anticipation of getting a shot.
So, this is my favorite new battery-operated vibrating device (snicker snicker). And I have one to give away! Just leave a comment about where you stand on the swine flu vaccine (include a contact e-mail if you don't have a blog). Have you changed your mind, like I did?
Update: I'll pick a winner by Sunday!
Photo by Charlie Charlton
very interesting! Sounds alot better than the cream that is supposed to numb their skin.
ReplyDeleteAs for our family, we just got the regular flu shot. For 2 reasons. 1. I am not a panicker, I am a hand sanitizer:) 2. the swine flu shot was not in our area so we all got the regular flu shot:) So far, so good.
Wow! What a neat little gizmo! We ended up getting the nasal version of the Little Dude. Our doctors office proactively called us last week to let us know that he was in a risk category & that they had a shipment reserved for patients in a higher risk category. Since they called us & since there was no wait, it made the decision a little easier. We do need to go in for a second dose in December
ReplyDeleteI blogged about it at:
Hm, I thought that the H1N1 vaccine was generally not approved for children. Seems like it's only not approved in places where we are.
ReplyDeleteI enquired about it but was told it wasn't yet approved for kids - but seeing as it is summer down here I'm not going to follow it up until next winter - at which point we will definitely get it. Ashlea has kidney failure and is at high risk of complications from any kind of flu.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe you caved :(
ReplyDeleteI know it is your choice, your children. I just find it sad that the CDC has won again...scare tactics.
We of course, as you already know, will not be getting the shot. We don't do the regular flu shot either. I freaked out the other day because Jonathan came home from school saying 'everyone has to get a shot at school Mom' and it is because they are pushing for everyone to get their flu shot, and the swine flu shot. We don't have cable but I hear they are putting PSA's on PBS with Sid the Science Kid...or something similar.
I am not afraid of the swine flu making an appearance in our home. It may have already been (we had some serious cold symptoms with fevers). We do a lot of hand washing, and when we are out, sanitizing. Hopefully that will hold the sickies at bay.
We do selectively vaccinate though...so buzzy would be welcome in our home:)
Buzzy is amazing! My teenage daughter needs that. No, I'm serious. I'm glad you were able to get the vaccine.
ReplyDeleteMy highest risk child already had H1N1 (or at least type-A). She has CAH, and CAH kids have died from "just" a stomach virus. It doesn't happen very often any more, but it does happen. The kids are being hit HARD in this area. My second highest risk child thankfully hasn't had it yet. When they become available we will all get the vaccine. Just as we all get the traditional one every year.
ReplyDeleteOur elementary school is also seeing lot of strep throat and just respatory gunk. My daughter's 5th grade class has also had 2 cases of pertussus (whopping cough) and 1 lice (just to top it off).
We had already decided that Faith was going to have it after I grilled every healthcare professional for the last 3 months, ever since I was sick with it. Basically, they all said the risk of the flu outweighed ANY risk of the vaccine. So she is on a stinkin' waiting list at our peds office. We don't even have it in our area yet! She still may not get it if it never showes up!
ReplyDeleteBuzzy is an interesting product, especially when it works!
ReplyDeleteI too have decided to cave. We are just waiting on more vaccine to be delivered.
Wow, that is such a neat thing! I'd love to have that for future shots for my two young kids! I actually have an appointment in 2 hours to have both kids get the H1N1 vaccine. I have been VERY upset about having to make this decision because you hear so much on both sides. Ultimately, I feel like you have to pick which you are most scared of, and in this case H1N1 seems more scary than the shot in most cases. I think this vaccine is like any other - yes, a lot of ingredients are scary if you break it down, but that is not unique to this vaccine. My 3yo is at higher risk because of RAD, so we are doing it. Everyone thinks it won't be THEIR kid that dies from the flu, but I don't want to take the risk!
ReplyDeleteWe didn't need to cave - they ended up bringing it home from school. The high fevers were worrisome, and it was tricky keeping them hydrated, but, either way, I'm glad to have it behind us. It's difficult to make intelligent, informed decisions when there's so much hoopla.
Our area already has a shortage. A couple weeks ago my children might have had H1N1...they didnt get tested but had flu symptoms. Kennedy got her H1N1 shot at that time, to hopefully prevent her from getting it(as at that time she didnt quite have the symptoms, but had a fever). The dr only gave it to her, and not Zach, thinking Zach was probably getting over the flu. Kennedy has a hard time when she gets colds, and tends to vomit a lot which makes taking all her seizure meds very difficult...so I wanted her to get the vaccine to help prevent getting the flu. When the schools do them here I will probably go ahead and have Zach get it too.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to tell my pediatrician friend about Buzzy! Please leave me out of the drawing, though - I just won a fabulous necklace from you!!!
ReplyDeleteWe're pro-vaccine here. Emmett has been through enough - I'm NOT going to lose him (or Violet) over something that I can easily prevent. Emmett is considered high risk for H1N1(Max is too, I think - all kids with neurological issues fall into this category). Did your kids get the entire vaccine in one shot? My kids had it broken down into two doses. They received the first half of the vaccine a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately for the kids, our doctor got them the mist instead of the shot.
Julia, we have to go back for part two of the shot at the end of November. Sarah, I knew you'd be disappointed and I still have some mixed feelings but in the end, I opted for what I thought was the healthier option of two questionable ones.
ReplyDeleteThat thing is amazing! It would work great for all the blood draws and needle sticks that Caleigh has to have. The cream doesn't work, the spray doesn't work...so traumatic.
ReplyDeleteWe just got our shipment of the shot version in our area. I still don't think we will be getting it for Caleigh. We will be on hibernation mode until April anyways because of RSV and regular flu.
What a neat little gadget. I am still on the fence with this shot. I have many reservations about giving Emily a shot that is so new and has not really been tested as extensively as I would like. I also have concerns because the swine flu is spreading through our church like wildfire! UGH! It is a really tough decision!
ReplyDeleteI was all for getting the swine flu shot for our kids. They get the regular flu shot, so why not the swine flu shot? But, I think they might have both already gotten the swine flu. My sons test came back negative for swine flu, but then I read it's very common to get a false negative. He ran a fever off and on for 10 days. What else could it be? And my daughter also had flu symptoms. So now I don't know what to do. Why get them the shot if I think they've already had the swine flu? What if I don't get them the shot and they actually didn't have the swine flu, and then they get it b/c I didn't get them the shot? What to do? Why is nothing ever easy....
ReplyDeleteNope -- we didn't cave because after extensive research I've been fine with the H1N1 vaccine. It's exactly the same as the seasonal flu shot, just adjusted for H1N1. Had there been time, the seasonal flu shot would have included H1N1 this year. It's made in exactly the same way as the seasonal flu shot, which is considered to be very safe. As far as I know, there are no serious complications from the seasonal vaccine.
ReplyDeleteMy 15-month-old has multiple medical issues and could end up in the hospital and with a trach from just a simple cold, so we take swine flu very seriously. Germs can be passed through the air, so relying on hand sanitizer isn't going to cut it. Swine flu is very prevalent where we live. Unfortunately, the vaccine is not -- it's only available in the nasal mist, which my son is too young for.
I really don't feel that swine flu is being blown out of proportion. Yes, 99% of people who get it will just be sick for a while and then get better. But there are many people -- including children who are normally very healthy and strong -- who are becoming seriously ill and even dying. I think it would be irresponsible of the CDC and the government to not take this very seriously.
I just wanted to clarify Ellen...
ReplyDeleteI don't think any less of you, or any other parent for that matter that gets the vax. My real disappointment is with the CDC and vaccine makers/distributors for causing all of this hype. It has even worked on me...I get freaked out the the slightest sniffle is the swine flu! BUT I think it is crappy that they have everyone so freaking scared of this virus. Yes, it is serious. Yes it can kill. But the percentage of people it has killed compared to the percentage of people that have survived is quite small. They have actually stopped testing in most areas to see if you actually have H1N1...if they did and saw how many people were surviving then there wouldn't be all this hype. I have known many people who have had it, and although it was a tough week, they survived.
And I am not one of those that thinks it could never happen to me either...trust me, medically in my family we have all of those 'rare' occurences happen. I also know that my child is more at risk of horrible things happening to them while driving in a car than from the swine flu. Yet I still strap them in their car seats daily and drive around. There are more pressing matters (in my mind anyway) to worry about in this country than a flu 'epidemic'. People are going hungry...there are those with no health insurance...children being abused. Where is the vaccine for that...or all the hype...or the money to feed these kids...or the help parents need? To me, that is what we should be focusing on, not a virus that makes us miserable. Most can get over the swine flu, but those other issues, not so much.
Hi. I am a new reader and I am really inspired by your blog. I have a nephew with CP and I hope that his life is as full as Max's!
ReplyDeleteOn the H1N1 vax - I am pro-vax and we get the flu shot every year and also got the H1N1 this year too. I find it sad that a parent's personal choice about how to best care for thier children has been treated with so much judgement and debate (not here, just in general). Like every other choice out there - to BF or not, to stay at home or work, you make the best choice you can for your family based on your own situation and understanding of the issues. Yes - many people who don't get the vax will also not get H1N1; yes, some people who get the vax will still get H1N1. We all do the best we can.
My decision was not based on any "scare" tactics, but on my on background and understanding of the issues at hand.
Anyway, Buzzy looks cool!!!
What a cool gizmo! I can't even find a place to get Twin #1 a regular flu shot let alone a H1N1 - but we'd all be getting it for sure. That is, if we all didn't already have the swine flu in June. I think we did, so whatever.
ReplyDeleteI don't want to give the swine flu vaccince.....but I AM giving into the panic and fear! So yes, we are giving it to little Riley in the next week. ugh, I hate giving shots-the buzzy thing looks great!
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to throw this out there...it has been tough to access due to the server being busy, but I finally had a chance to read it, and it is interesting.
That is AWESOME!! I NEED BUZZY!! (I'll be careful not to store Buzzy with my other battery operated vibrating toys)
ReplyDeleteI am obsessed now (complete switch from before) about getting the kids vaccinated. If only I could find a place to get them the shots! I feel like you have to know someone or slip someone a envelope full of money. Jeez! We aren't able to do the mist because I, unfortunately, am immunocompromised due to the RA meds I'm on. Bummer. If we can find the shots - and we can win "Buzzy" - then we're all over getting vaccinated. :-)
I was all for getting Graham the shot from the beginnig... and he got it a few weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteLove the buzzy thing!! My kids don't freak out about shots too bad, Graham is so used to Boo Boos.
It isn't a matter of caving or not for us. I would be first in line to get the H1N1 shot for Max, but he is allergic to it and most vaccines, because of the gelatin in them.
ReplyDeleteSo we stay at home...all the time...we wash wash wash our hands, we don't go see friends and family...and just try to keep him healthy.
Sign me up for the Buzzy drawing please!
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to get my daughter the flu shot but there is none to be had where I am (Boston, MA). Luckily, she did get the regular shot already though I didn't act quickly enough to get it for myself and now there's no seasonal flu shot available either. I'm trying not to panic, my daughter isn't in daycare anymore since I got laid off this summer so I'm hoping she's low risk anyway.
I'm avoiding any and all shots these days. Since Charlie doesn't attend school, I figure we're more likely to get sick waiting to get the shot then if we just do our thing and avoid germy stuff like grocery carts. Also, it doesnt' seem to be crazy-prevalent here, so my mommy alarm isn't going off big-time.
ReplyDeleteAlthought I had initially been against getting the vaccine, the death of a healthy 13 year old boy in Toronto changed my mind in a hurry. How could I ever live with myself if my child ended up hospitalized, on a ventilator or worse because I didn't vaccinate her against an influenza strain that was known to be circulating and highly contagious? (FYI, we waited in line for 2 hours.)
ReplyDeleteOf course I think that Buzzy is devine (Lessons Learned from a...) but you know, Kasia didn't even flinch when she got her shot. Apparently my Bee does not need The Bee so you can leave us out of the draw as well!
well how cool is that handy dandy lil bee. I would have liked that for the million shots I had while preggo, ha!
ReplyDeletecurrently, we're a no for the shot. I'm a little disgruntled about it because my kids wouldn't be getting the shot, they'd be getting the live nasal mist thing. Something a little unnerving about giving my kids the live vaccine. I wonder if they'd let us get the shot if I told them LilB had CP..
ReplyDeletebut we don't get the flu shot either. we do, however, get all the "regular" vacc
Full disclosure: I am a pediatrician, I invented Buzzy, and I'll definitely be getting H1N1 vaccine for my child with asthma. It depends how short the supply is and how much hassle it is getting it for my other two healthy kids.
ReplyDeleteThat said, one thing I AM doing pretty religiously is making them take probiotics twice a day. There was a lovely study in Pediatrics this summer that showed lactobacillus twice a day significantly decreased flu symptoms, hospitalizations...you name it. http://bit.ly/4kSwcl (That's not the article itself, but a reasonable commentary.) It's hard to have a philosophical argument against yogurt, y'know? (We get the strawberry chewables in the fridge section, actually.)
Although I harbor a suspicion this is a manufactured "epidemic," we are getting the shot. I understand the single shot version is sans thermerisol, so that's the one we'll get.
ReplyDeleteThat buzzy bee is slick!
I am definitely getting H1N1 vaccine for my daughter. I know she will be exposed. I can't protect her as much as I would like to. I watched her go through brain surgery this year and I refuse to lose her to any type of flu.
ReplyDeleteBuzzy is very cool. Does it work for bloodwork too? I am procrastinating getting Elizzbateh vaccinated as the line-ups are ranging 6-8hrs for the high risk groups here(I think my violin music might be louder). I will try to get her done this week. Elizabeth might not agree with me this morning she told me she will not be vaccinated until she is 16. By the time she is 16 we may need full body armour to protect us from what may lurk.
ReplyDeleteLike you, I went back and forth about the vaccine. My husband, like yours, wants our kid to get it. At first I was like "heck no, she's no guinea pig!" Then I talked to some doctors, even an infectious disease doc and he assured me that it was safe and very much needed for her. She too has CP, but also has crappy lungs. It won't be available here for another week or so...but I too am caving. Also what an awesome little invention! Especially wonderful for Romy, in addition to all the regular vaccines she receives, she also gets a monthly RSV shot during the RSV season.
ReplyDeleteActually, the only peer reviewed data I have IS for IV sticks. Yeah, it works! I'm doing the research now on Buzzy for immunizations and heel/finger sticks.
ReplyDeleteAlliterative Fun Flu Fact: Ferrets are the only lab animal who get flu
I also caved and got the vaccine at work (healthcare worker... not much choice), and when it is available, will also be receiving it for the boys. After our hospital started a research study on the actual virus, I found out that (unofficially) children with Cerebral Palsy are at extremely high risk, so we have no choice. And poor JT has no choice because we believe in treating he and
ReplyDeleteFinley the same... therefore even though JT doesn't have CP, he will endure it as well! He can just tell his therapist all about it one day when he is old enough to pay for one! :)
Both of our 2 year old twins (one with hypotonia/mild CP and one typical) got the mist version of the H1N1 vaccine a few weeks ago. They got the regular flu shot the week before.
ReplyDeleteAll 3 children in our county that have died were part of CCS, and have been in the same therapy building where Al.ex gets therapy twice a week. Not falling for "hype" but that hits too close to home for me.
For us it wasn't even the media hype. It was all of Miles' therapists... every one of them implored us to get him vaccinated. They all had several kids they worked with get sick, one was in the hospital on a vent. My hus & I rec'd the nasal but our nanny couldn't because of asthma. 2 weeks later, last Tues, Miles got the shot. Tuesday night our nanny got swine flu. oh the luck. We started Miles on Tamiflu & he only got a cold. It just takes contact with one person. scary (of course that person carries my son around all day).
ReplyDeleteI also found out my son's ped office has a "secret stash" of the vax. I just had to contact my Dr's asst. every week until it was available. Reception would tell me they didn't have it.
Hi, not sure where I stand on the
ReplyDeleteH1N1 vaccine. I work for a group of Neonatologist and they are divided on this issue. Some say for it and some say hmmmm not sure.
I am a nurse and have given loads of baby and child shots and would love to use this gizmo to distract. It's all about the delivery and the after award. Thanks
This sounds really cool. I used to work for Astra Pharmaceuticals years ago & all the parents would get EMLA cream patches for their kids for shots. Numbed the whole area. Of course this was b4 I had kids or I would have grabbed some. This non-narcotic solution sounds better.
ReplyDeleteI'm still kind of on the fence. Our whole family was sick back in May. My wife (an R.N.) ended up in the hospital for 5 days with pneumonia. One test she had was negative & another was positive for H1N1. So she's assuming we all had the same thing & it was H1N1. So she assumes we're already immune.
I'm not so sure. They've had the seasonal flu shot already. We don't usually do that either. But I'm going to try to get the H1N1 for everyone too.
My 5 yr old got the mist in her nose and I'm still waiting for my ped's office to receive the shot for my 1 yr old.
ReplyDeleteThat buzzy thing sounds awesome!! Photojen AT aol.com
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, my son (13 months) has had one flu shot and is getting his second on Monday. If H1N1 vax makes it here, I think we'll probably get him that, too. WORSE, though - I'm a big coward, and I've yet to get either vax this year. :(
We'd like to get both vaccines this year, but our health provider ran out of the regular flu vaccine after just a couple of weeks and still doesn't have any H1N1 available in our city. And they'll only give it to the kids, not us parents, when they do have some. Grrr.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the same boat as you - I don't want to panic, but a vaccination certainly seems like a good idea. (If only I could find one here in NYC...)
ReplyDeleteBuzzy seems awesome - for me, too!
hilary1 AT gmail
we caved in and got the shot too. We have 4 children, 2 in school, 1 at home and 1 newborn. It seemed right. This would be great to have. We waited for 1hr 15mins. People in the city near to us have waited for up to 6 hours!!
ReplyDeleteWe have a shortage of the vaccinations in our area or I would be getting it for my 10 month old. My high risk son needs to get it but it's going to be tricky scheduling it around his medical infusions he receives. So many days before and so many days after...
ReplyDeleteWe got the vaccine for my daughter and for ourselves. She did get the nasal vaccine as I was concerned about the preservative in the shot.
ReplyDeleteI have never in my life gotten a flu shot. I never get the flu.
ReplyDeleteLast week I got the H1N1 shot. My 16 month old got it, too.
I hate shots. I hate medicine. But, I got this one. And no regrets. :-)
My pediatric dentist used a similar method on me as a kid. In fact, I did not know that he used a needle to put my mouth to sleep until I was in HIGH SCHOOL!
ReplyDeleteHe would take my cheek and shake it as he gave me the shot of Novocaine. Wondering if we could do something similar with kids' arms without getting in the way of the nurse? It's worth a try at only $0.
@ Sarah H: Just wanted to point out that simply sanitizing hands is not going to eliminate your family's chances of getting H1N1. It is primarily transmitted via the nose and mouth. Airborne droplets containing the virus are inhaled and then multiply in the nasal cavities and throat. Hand sanitizer is not going to keep this from happening. I am personally still on the fence about the H1N1 vaccine, but I just didn't want you to have a false sense of security simply based on using hand sanitizer. Unfortunately my son who has asthma (which puts him in the high risk category) is also allergic to eggs so he can't get the vaccine. I do still have to decide whether I should get my other two kids vaccinated though. It is not available in my area yet so I guess I still have time to make a decision. As for buzzy, sounds like a pretty cool gizmo. Perhaps I'll get lucky and get to try it out! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for getting vaccinated! It is because of this boy that I am getting my family vaccinated.
Very cool idea. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteSUPER cute. I definitely don't have any of those rare "brave" kids that don't flinch when the needle goes in. Mine get MAD!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to get the shot for my daughter, but it's in such short supply, and I am so very lazy. This has always been my stance on the issue!
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure we'll have a choice. the vaccine doesn't seem to be available until December. She's had the flu vaccine. I've had that one several times so I felt comfortable with her having it. The swine flu vaccine is in a similar solution so we would do that one, too. Daughter has asthma and a history of bronchial infections and she's not quite two. Since she still can't use cold medicines to get relief from congestion and cough, we'll try to vaccinate.
ReplyDeleteWe selectively vaccinate, too. That buzzy would be great for her and for the future since we've had to be at the doc's every month for shots so they can space them out.
Well, I struggled with the decision for sometime. I did cave and they just got it 2 hours ago. I would love to try this and see if it helps. My youngest will be getting the booster for it. ugh!
ReplyDeleteI love this as a pain preventative. I have heard of the cream but always forget to order it in advance... We all (mom, dad, and baby) all received regular flu shots, but only dad (police officer therefore high risk for exposure) is getting the swine flu shot. I researched the vaccine, conferred with a neighbor who is a pediatric nurse and a cousin who is in med school, and spoke to our ped, and decided that our better course of action was to continue good handwashing and hygiene, take our vitamins and drink citrus juices, and limit our exposure. Since baby is in a one-on-one home daycare situation and I'm not high exposure, it made sense for our family. Best wishes!
ReplyDeleteBUZZY sounds AMAZING!!
ReplyDeleteMy 7 month old is getting the H1N1 shot tomorrow. I have many friends who aren't getting their babies the H1N1 shot, but they also didn't do the regular flu shot. (which we did) I trust my doctor and he recommended it, and all the info my husband and I read helped us make our decision. My son had his first ear infection last week and that was miserable so if this is going to help us not have to go though another sickness, I am all for it!
My daughter is not old enough to get the shot, but everyone in the household (including me, her breastfeeding mother) will be getting it.
ReplyDeletewow..what an awesome little device! i was dead set against giving the shot to my daughter, but after more research and seeing that it effects children with asthma much more than "normal" children, i've decided she'll be getting it. now we just have to wait for her to get well...AND THEN we have to wait for a clinic nearby..oy vey.
ReplyDeleteI made my kids get the H1N1 vaccine because we happened to be at the doctor's office for a check-up when the vaccine came into the office. They have not gotten the regular flu shot because the doctor ran out of them and has not been able to get any more yet.
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of Buzzy for after shots, but like you, I need something to keep my kids from the pre-shot hysteria.
Both kids have had the regular flu shot (younger needs 2nd dose), but not H1N1 b/c we haven't been able to get it. If we can get it, we will. I'm with you--same as regular flu, so may as well.
ReplyDeletethat is cool. I need to get one. My daughter screams holy hell and it takes three people to hold her down to get a shot.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have any swine flue shots here yet, but as soon as they come in, I'm grabbing two burly friends who aren't afraid of getting bitten and we're going to the clinic.
I better get a buzzy quick.
As luck would have it, I had made the decision to have my 3 1/2 year old get both the regular flu vaccine and the swine flu vaccine this year BUT her pediatrician office didn't receive their shipment yet. So we've been waitlisted. Saturday (Halloween) Alexis told me she was very hot - I win mother of the year award becUae I told her to drink some water YIKES! When we got home from trick or treating, she told me she was not feeling well and was REALLY hot. Now she had my attention. I took her temp and it was 103. By Sunday her temp was over 106. Went to the Pediatrician (who no longer takes our crummy insurance) and ahe tells us Alezis has swine flu. She ran tests and they are positive. The kicker is their office just called to let me know the flu shots are in! We still have to go back once she is better to get both shots. Meanwhile my poor doodlebug is still quite sick and now I'm worries about a secondary infection ie pneumonia. Back to Dr tom. Funny thing is last Halloween Alexis had 106fever turned out she had Mono. Poor thing!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm going with my pediatrician's advice and NOT getting the vaccine. All three of my children are taking supplements and have very strong immune systems, including my epileptic daughter. I think the hysteria around the swine flu is just that although I respect people's informed decisions. And I'd love the buzzy thing, not for shots, but for Sophie who adores vibrating toys.
ReplyDeleteAlthough we haven't vaccinated our 3 year old for anything yet we did decide to get the H1N1 vaccine. I have known several people to get sick from it and although luckily none of them had to go to the hospital I didn't want to risk our family getting it too. My biggest reasoning is that I'm pregnant and unlike with my first pregnancy, I have already been sick once and I'm feeling pretty weak this time around. Plus my son doesn't eat as healthy as I would like and I'm worried his immune system isn't strong enough. We plan on getting my son more of the standard vaccines next spring and this device would definitely be useful.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have the H1N1 available here yet. I'm still on the fence but expect to cave. I have 3 little ones who would love a Buzzy!
ReplyDeleteI've caved on the shot too. I just need to make an appointment and get my kids in. My son doesn't even cry at shots, but my daughter wails. Buzzy sounds like an interesting way to make it easier for us!
ReplyDeleteI'm taking Teddy to get his shot in about an hour! The doctor's office called this morning & said they had it in finally. I wish I had Buzzy already! I haven't told Teddy yet that it's a shot this time--he had the nasal mist for the seasonal flu.
ReplyDeleteWe got it, and just in the nick of time it seems. Our area is being hit really hard with H1N1 right now.
ReplyDeleteIt was an easy decision for us, especially given my girls history of chronic lung disease, asthma, CP, and repeated hospitalizations with viral pneumonia. I spent a lot of time talking to our doctors, who care about us and have nothing to gain either way, and they were unanimous in very highly recommending that we get it.
Ultimately I would say that the people who are NOT getting the shot are the ones caving to "scare tactics." Facts and evidence win me over every time.
I'm glad you got it. The more people who get it, the fewer people there are out there who may infect my family!
What a great idea.
ReplyDeleteBut, we will not be getting the vaccine, since both of our boys have already had it, and my husband and I have upped our VIT D dose and we have been feeling great.
My husband and I compromised on shots...my little guy is getting the regular flu shot but not the H1N1. Although he is a little boy, he's got no underlying condition and he doesn't go to daycare. I'm just being proactive and doing lots of clean hands and no one is allowed to touch him!
So far we are just doing the normal flu vaccination. Not sure if that will change, we are booked in next week at the pediatrician and will see what they recommend.
ReplyDeleteLove the buzzy bee.
I'm considering flipping my anti-N1H1 vax position if our ped ever gets it in... at this point half our town has the virus, and watching the kids drop like flies around us is starting to stress me out over the safety of my own. The buzzy bee looks awesome, count us in! :)
ReplyDeleteI'd get the swine flu vaccine for my kids, if I could, but no one around here has it for kids that aren't high risk.
ReplyDeleteThe regular flu shot is new every year so how much testing can they do on it?
I plan to get the shot. I'm 26 weeks pregnant and my husband already had the swine flu two weeks ago--I luckily escaped it. Sounds like buzzy would be the perfec thing for my little one when she arrives.
ReplyDeleteI got H1N1 shots at the Ped's office for my 15 month old with mild CP and a metabolic disorder, and for the the three year old who is a former preemie but now with a bulletproof immune system because both are in full time day care and I work with the public. It is inevitable we will be exposed and I feel the risks of the vaccine are far fewer than the small risk of death from the 'flu. It is one thing to say not many kids are dying, but any kid in my house is not allowed to die, so that is that. Every one I know who has had it so far said they were really very sick, and I know of one child who was hospitalized. Right now, what I would say to you moms of special needs kids, is get the shot to keep your fragile child out of the hospital, where other opportunistic infections are lurking - I can't afford to have Hannah around that many other sick people, so I got shots and would for myself too. But adults in SLC are having a very hard time finding the shots for themselves, even if they are in the at risk groups, because the shots go like hotcakes every day they are released.
ReplyDeleteWow. What a clever little thing. I would love one to get my two year old through his shots.