Welcome, beautiful Margo! I was thrilled to meet you, though I must say it is bizarre to me that my little sis, formerly known as Judy Doodie, has a baby.
Upon hearing the news of your arrival, your cousin Sabrina said, and I quote, "You mean she came out of Aunt Judy?" Mercifully, she did not ask HOW, as I am not yet prepared to have that conversation. Someday, you will understand what I am talking about. At that point, ask your mother, not me.
Some wishes for you on this, your first full day of life:
• May you always be happy and healthy.
• May you grow to be as deliciously chubby-cheeked as Max was as a baby.
• May you grow to be as deliciously chubby-thighed as Sabrina was as a baby.
• May you find lots of ways to do good in the world. It needs that.
• May you never encounter evil. Or Spencer and Heidi Pratt.
• May you have as much determination as Max has for overcoming any challenges life may throw your way. And may you do it as cheerfully as he does.
• May you never develop diaper rash, a bad attitude or an addiction to Chef Boyardee Sodium-and-Chemical-Laden Chicken and Rice.
• May you enjoy the comforts of home yet also be curious to explore all sorts of other places, near and far.
• May you have lots and lots of common sense. It gets you through.
• May you have lots and lots of cute clothes, too. Oh, and shoes! I wish you lots and lots of shoes!
• May you have only excellent hair days. (I know your hair looks a little bit like baby chick fuzz right now, but no worries, it's just a stage.)
• May you firmly believe that you are capable of anything.
• May you learn to appreciate good books, Mendelssohn's Violin Concerto in E Minor, ballet, the paintings of Claude Monet, the entire country of Italy, Ring Dings and other of life's finest pleasures. (And don't worry if you don't get opera; I don't get it, either, except for Carmen, Aida and Madama Butterfly, which are worth understanding. Also, run like crazy if a date ever offers to take you to any of Wagner's "Der Ring des Nibelungen," trust me on that one.)
• May you be as sweet, warm, generous, kind and selfless as your mother.
• May you be as brilliant, gorgeous and all-around fabulous as me.
• May you always feel as loved as you are.
What a beautiful, beautiful baby. What a lovely photo!
ReplyDeleteEllen, among your many talents, you really do have "the eye" and a knack with a camera (something I totally lack and admire in others--good thing gramps loves to take pictures!).
You have the ability to make the already beautiful even more so!
Congratulations on the beautiful addition to your clan!
Dear Felicia, do you think maybe you could adopt me? You always say the nicest things. :)
ReplyDeleteHere here! Can I say that I hope she learns to enjoy bad books too? Sometimes you need a good, old-fashioned beach read without a smidge of literary value.
ReplyDeleteI have never been so moved. Every baby should be wished Ring Dings and good hair days. *sniff* I wish I had an Aunt like you.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations, Ellen. She is gorgeous!!! I may just have to steal her name someday. Hmmmm...
Hope your anxiety has calmed a bit!
She is beautiful. What a sweet note. I completely agree about the good hair days and Ring Dings (is there anything better?)!