Thursday, April 29, 2021

Sometimes, independence comes in growth spurts

Developmental spurts have never been a thing in Max's life. Progress has happened bit by beautiful bit, hard-won all of it. A step here, a hand movement there. A consonant uttered, a word read. An understanding gleaned, a lesson learned. But lately, Max's has been having an independence growth spurt, and it's awesome.

A couple weeks ago, I was in my attic working when I heard Max arguing with our sitter. She was going to assist him with showering, only he wasn't having it. I walked downstairs to see what was wrong. It turns out that Max wanted to take off his own pants, and he was agitated because the sitter hadn't caught on. I explained to her that he wanted to do it himself.

That was the start of Max's indie streak. When we eat out, he has insisted on ordering his own food. When he and Dave went to Home Depot this weekend to make a return, Max grabbed the receipt from David's hand and handed it to the cashier. He wants to take walks alone. He wants to know days ahead of time what we're doing on the weekend, and he makes us stick to it

Max has always been determined and, uh, opinionated, so he's totally in character. Still, the go-it-alone drive is astounding. Not just because my boy wants to spread his wings and fly, but because he is capable of breaking out of his cocoon of comfort. Dependency has been a key part of his existence, and the DIY mind shift is major. 

During Max's early years, all of my hopes centered around whether and when he'd be able to do x and x. These days, my greatest hopes center around Max making his own way in this world. Dave and I and Team Max are there to provide the support. But Max is leading his own independence charge, and we're awed by him and so proud.

This summer, one of Dave's friends is getting married in Los Angeles. Max was texting with my sister the other night and he informed her that will be going. As is the Jewish tradition, he plans to help lift Jeff up on a chair as the crowd dances around him—just like Jeff did for Max at his bar mitzvah. 

You go, Max. You. Go!!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Max! What an uplifting story! As

    I agree with you as parents we always wish and strive for independence for our children but always recognize that the path to independence will be a different one for them.

    I love Max’s independent spirit and how he is asserting himself. And the trip to LA for the wedding sounds like it’ll be such a treat and blast for Max!


Thanks for sharing!

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