It's getting kind of hard to tell Max and Brad Pitt apart, don't you think? OK, OK, so Max is not going to Hollywood anytime soon, but this was quite the I'm-ready-for-my-closeup weekend
When we were at Duke University for Max's stem cell infusion, a TV crew showed up with the doctor; they were doing a story on Dr. Kurtzberg, and wanted to videotape an infusion. I said yes. It's a TV production company specializing in medical news that creates segments and distributes them to stations across the country. They wanted to get some footage of Max at home, so they came over on Saturday, and Max totally played to the camera. They did an interview with Dave and me, too, and of course I got all teary-eyed. Dave and I did fine, though we had opposite takes on whether Max had shown any improvement from the stem cell infusion. I said I didn't think so (Dr. Kurtzberg said if anything happened, it would take about six months); Dave said he thinks that Max is more alert. That's our typical pattern—I'm pragmatic, Dave is overly optimistic. We balance each other out. I'll put up a link to the segment when it's done.
On Sunday, we got a visit from a photographer, Peter Miller, who works for The Littlest Heroes Project; it's a group of photographers from around the country who volunteer to take photos of kids with disabilities/illness. I think they got too many applications and are currently out of commission—I can't link to their website. Peter was the nicest guy, he even showed up with presents for the kids. He spent close to two hours shooting Max, and Sabrina too. He got some great shots, even a rare one of Max and Sabrina together. She went the diva route; I had to promise I'd take her to the store and buy some pickles (she's crazy for them) just to get her to smile for the camera.
In other exciting news, this weekend I finally organized the house a bit. Organizing is, for me, as good as therapy. I purged our kitchen cabinets, tossing out stuff like pacifier holders (Sabrina's), various bottles of expired vitamins (why can't I commit to taking them?!), and old kiddie dishware. Such a mundane activity, I know, but I felt a lot better with less stuff. We have too much damn stuff. It clutters up our living space, it clutters up my brain. God knows, my brain is pretty packed already.
I had a problem with "stuff," too. When my life circumstances changed, that's the first big change I made--now I am aggressive about keeping "stuff" to a minimum. George Carlin did a funny routine about "stuff" that still makes me laugh:
For the record, I think Max is way better looking than that wimpy Pitt guy! Can't wait to see your debut on the TV screen, as well!
So many exciting things happening over there! I'm eager to learn more about the stem cell infusion. What, exactly, are the hopes? I know that's a loaded question but I'd really like to learn more about all of it.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, I reorganized today, too. Pushed a whole lot of furniture around and cleaned, cleaned, cleaned. It does feel good.
Having just been filmed for a medical show here in Australia I think us 'stars' need to stick together!! I'm fairly new to following your blog but hope I can see the segment via the web. And just quietly...I got all teary-eyed too.
ReplyDeleteHow exciting! Good stuff. I'm glad you made it thru without a hitch! It's great that the kids had fun with it too -- even with pickle bribery.
ReplyDeleteAnd purge on Momma! We packed up our upstate house this summer and oh boy -- It was an out and out purgation!!!!
That is so cool about the TV crew. Can't wait to see it.
ReplyDeleteI'm the same way with organizing. I've been itching to tackle the playroom, get rid of baby toys, broken stuff, stuff with missing bits... makes me so happy.
Dottie is a pickle fiend too.
I'm excited to see the video :)
ReplyDeleteyou should do a post on organizing your kid's special needs equipment. We have sooooooooooo much stuff!! sometimes I don't use things because I forget about them,lol
Stuff gathers at my house too,and even though I always try to minimize the "stuff" it always seems like it is breeding and making more!
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see the photos. And I always knew Max was famous!!
Did Sabrina get her pickles, she definitely deserves it for putting up with me :) It was a pleasure meeting Max and your family. I had a great time. There are some fantastic shots, sorry for the tease. Thanks again.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know Max had a stem cell infusion.... I am so anxious to hear more about the results! I'm glad they are moving this direction - the future is looking brighter every single day!
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I are also complete opposites -- I'm positive and optimistic, he worries and expects the worst... it really does turn out to be a nice balance (most of the time!)
This is Joyce. Oh gosh darn it:) yet another friend to embarass me into acknowledging that I still have the Barney plastic dishes and spoons, the sippy cups with chewed up lids and a host of other mismatched child plastic in my kitchen cupboards and my kids are 22, 20 and 12!!!
ReplyDeleteI can't wait to see the segment on TV.
wow what a jam-packed weekend you had! How wonderful that you got some great pictures of your little hero :) Keep us poste on how the stem-cell infusion is going..
ReplyDeleteOur friend Cole who has CP, was featured on the first episode of TLC's "My Life as a Child", he basically video taped him self (with moms help) to document his life and what it's like to live with CP as an 9yo. The show also featured other kids and their lives in the inner city, a military family, a little brother who is big brother to a mentally challenged older sibling, a child prodigy, a boy who like dance and ballet ... and many other wonderful stories... The show aired about 3 years ago; sadly TLC never released it to DVD... But it was simply amazing... To see Cole get his yellow belt in karate still makes me tear up...
ReplyDeleteCole is now 12, still in karate, and still doing amazing things! Check out Cole and Skilled Companion Ilia in their PSA... http://tinyurl.com/yjlybp2