Thursday, October 21, 2010

Halloween giveaway: Win two super-cute Halloween buckets and a sweet treat

Last year, Max hijacked a Halloween bucket. Well, OK, the guy who answered the door with the purple pail willingly gave it up, after Max hyperventilated in delight.

As with many things in our house, I have no idea where that pail is, but I did get these two supercute ones from the nice people at McDonald's.

The Happy Meal Halloween pails are based on the McDonald ones from the mid-80s, some of which are collector's items on ebay. I fully expect mine to become collector's items as well once they disappear into the black hole that is my home and we find them thirty years from now. The buckets have removable handles you can use as masks and come with Mr. Potato Head stickers, which the kids had fun sticking on. Bonus thrill: I heard Max say "oh-ay-oh" (potato).

McD's is giving away two buckets to five readers—for the kids, for you and your child, for your husband and your child, for your ferret and your child, whoever you please. They're also tossing in a coupon for Apple Dippers. Sweet!

To enter, just leave a comment below about a favorite Halloween memory. One of mine: The Halloween night a couple of years ago when Max was so mesmerized by a skull that lit up on a neighbor's porch, we had to sit there for a half hour.

Bonus entries: 

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Tweet about this giveaway: Win two super-cute Halloween buckets and a sweet treat from @McDonalds, ends 10/24,  
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This giveaway is open to U.S. residents and ends at 11:59 EST on Sunday October 24. Please leave your e-mail if it is not visible on your blog. 

Update: The winners are Cristina, Sarita, Beckytag, Amyd and Brenda. Enjoy!


  1. My favorite halloween memory is bitter sweet: Bertrand's first halloween. It was perfection! We had a beautiful new baby and home. Bertrand was a happy little pumpkin, he was trying to crawl, playing in leaf piles, smiling, standing... at that point we hoped he was just a little delayed. He hadn't started regressing yet. I'll always treasure this memory. :)

  2. I always remember when we would get home from trick-or-treating. We would dump our sack while my dad sorted the candy. Our eyes were as big as saucers while we awaited our treats!!

  3. When we lived in Gainesville I loved going to the mall on Halloween and trick or treating in the stores and then parading around for the costume contest.

    melissamcnicol AT yahoo DOT com

  4. My best Halloween memory is when I was 9 years old and went to a party at my best friend's house. I was the only kid dressed in one of those plastic '80s costumes that came in a box - and I dressed up as Casper the Friendly Ghost. I hated those plastic masks! I always felt like I was going to hyperventilate.

  5. My favorite Halloween, I loved
    "costuming" my 4 children. My youngest daughter was 5 months old
    and wore this overstuffed pumpkin costume which helped her sit up.
    We had a "Cowgirl", a "Princess"
    "Rocky" and a Pumpkin. I am scrapbooking the pictures now. The fun and memories still continue.

  6. rockets15@charter.netOctober 21, 2010 at 10:32 PM

    jjust loved splitting the candy with my sis chocolate for me fruity for her!

  7. My son's first Halloween he was just weeks old. It was wonderful!

  8. I remember trick or treating in the snow and we had to wear our coats over our costumes!

  9. Tweeted!/chickitsarita/status/28370104319

  10. I always loved bobbing for apples.

  11. Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
    Would love, love, LOVE to win this!

  12. I remember my day made us keep our candy in a locked suitcase in the basement one year (b/c we wouldn't eat dinner if the candy was out). He let my brother and I go down unsupervised, to get 2 pieces of candy. My brother came up, my Dad said "show me your two pieces"--he did, and everything was fine. He asked me the same thing--and then told me "hands against the wall!" and I GOT FRISKED. I KNEW my candy stash in my socks was invisible and silent under my sweatpants--but my Dad KNEW that I would be the one to try to take more (my brother wasn't frisked, and NO he didn't take any extra). I couldn't believe it.

  13. My son is only three and with his vision impairment (CVI) he is not a big fan of Halloween. When he looks back years from now to find out that we dressed him as a Turkey last year I don't think that will help!

    My favorite memory would be going to a haunted house when I was in college and watching my big brother finally get a fright!!! My best friend was with me and shook the actors hand!!! We also had some great costume parties in the past and nothing could be better than seeing how creative people can be. I long for the days of the home made costume.

  14. I used to dress up in a scary mask and roar when I opened the door. A little girl about 5 stepped back and said, "you are too scary, it is supposed to be fun." I haven't dressed up again. Now, in 2010, my grandchildren are not allowed to trick or treat. They go to a church affair.

  15. my favorite memory was the year my son adn stepdaughter were dorothy and the lion.

  16. My favorite memory is when my kids were Tinkerbell and Peter Pan, and my mom got little Kelly dolls to match and the kids thought that was the coolest thing! :)

  17. Trick or Treating with my kids and our good friends. Watching the kids run from yard to yard together :)

  18. my favorite was when i made my first homemade costume..popeye..including a giant spinach can to hold his treats...i think he looked super sweet
    nannypanpan at

  19. favorite Halloween memory was when my husband dressed as a women

  20. I remember the year my cousins and I went together trick or treating as Tigers.

  21. I tweeted

  22. I loved my daughter's first time for trick or treating. She didn't understand why they kept putting candy in her pail.

  23. I was a little, little girl. Probably between 3 and 5. The mall near our house did a trick or treat from shop to shop.
    After a few stores, I was pretty sure I had the idea.
    I remember asking a lady at the front of a shop for some candy. When she didn't respond, I was confused and hurt. I thought I had done it wrong.
    My parents laughed and laughed, because there was a very valid reason she didn't respond.
    She was a store mannequin.
    I posted the URL on my twitter. I may already like you on Facebook. I'm not sure.

  24. last halloween was my favorite! my son dressed as a lemur and hung out in the trunk of our car (we did trunk or treat at our church). my husband FINALLY agreed to dress up, as long as he & i went as commander riker and deanna troi from star trek. he got really into it and dressed up our car to look like the voyager or enterprise or whatever the spaceship is, haha (you can tell how much i know about startrek!)

  25. i follow you on twitter (@marfmom)

  26. Halloween is our anniversary, so that one wins!!
    beckytag618 at gmail dot com

  27. Twitter follower (@beckytag)
    beckytag618 at gmail dot com

  28. FB fan (Becky Seelentag)
    beckytag618 at gmail dot com

  29. I have memories of our neighbors house. They always had their entire yard decked out like the place was haunted. It was so much fun to go to.

  30. I tweeted...

  31. My favorite Halloween memory was the year my sister and I both dressed up as bunnies. My Mom made the costumes & we got to pick the color -- my sister, purple -- me, day-glo yellow! I do not think my Mom worried much that year about cars not seeing us :)

  32. I follow you on Facebook also (I like you, I really, really like you)

  33. I remember my son falling asleep on the floor after trick or treating, surrounded by his pile of candy.

  34. doing pumpkins

  35. My dad and I would watch the Garfield Halloween special every year and then for days after we'd run around saying "Ay, me candy!".

  36. One year when I was younger, I dressed up as a dalmation, and my mom dressed our actual dogs as waas super funny!

  37. both my sons first trick or treat!

  38. My favorite Halloween memory was the first one with my son. I couldn't wait to dress him up like a duck. It was the cutest costume ever!


  39. following on twitter - pandahugger76


  40. My favorite Halloween memory is just from last year...Halloween 2009...It was my son's first year Trick or Treating and it was so cute with how he would knock on the doors and when the people opened them up he went right had to keep a hand on him otherwise he would try walking into the house...He was also running with all the other kids and having a blast...and he even gave some candy away to a couple of cute little can't wait for this year!

  41. Following Love That Max on Twitter - EbayMommy

  42. Tweeted about this giveaway - EbayMommy

  43. Liked Love That Max on Facebook - Geri N.

  44. We still hide a rubber skeleton all over the house during the month of October!

  45. As kids we'd trick or treat twice, once around our neighborhood and once around our grandparents.

  46. Pocahontas, when I was in kindergarten.


  47. tweeted:

  48. Dressing up the kids and going trick or treating.


Thanks for sharing!

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