Friday, June 7, 2019

The Disability Blogger Weekend Link-up is gonna have some great posts

Exactly what to do, if you're new  

This is a place to share a recent favorite post you've written or read. Scroll down to the bottom of this post. Where it says "Your name" put the name of the blog followed by the title of the post (or just the name of the post, if there's no room—you get 80 characters).

Like this: A teacher gives a student a Most Annoying Male Award. Really.

Where it says "Your URL" put the direct link to the post.

Click "Enter." Leave a comment if you want to say more. Go check out some great posts. Thanks for stopping by!


  1. In my post this week I share observations from research and from my counseling practice that highlight reasons that parents raising kids with disabilities can’t get enough sleep.

  2. My post, Holding Hands in the Dark: I was awake in the middle of the night so I tweeted the link to the post for anyone in UK (where I used to live). I had this answer that broke my heart: It is 2:30 am and I am sitting in the ER with my son. I just turned on my phone when your link popped up. I feel your hand. Thank you for holding on.


Thanks for sharing!