Tuesday, October 4, 2016

You're in trouble, he says

"You're in trouble!" Max informs me with a smirk on his face, after I drop a bunch of hardboiled eggs on the kitchen floor and they scatter everywhere.

I laugh, as I always do when he says this. It started a couple of months ago, and I'm not sure where he got it from. It's not something I say.

I am fascinated by the phrases Max picks up. A few years ago, he started using "OMG!" appropriately, thanks to his wonderful teacher who understands the importance of enabling kids with intellectual disability to know age-appropriate words. 

Max has also been saying "See ya!" lately, done with a big sweep of his hand. I saw his teacher at Back To School night and told her about it. This, too, came from her—she no longer teaches Max but whenever she stops by the class, it's what she says. 

Oh, and like any teen he particularly enjoys saying "I know!" when I tell him things. Lately, I've been trying to get him to say "See ya later, alligator!" more clearly—he needs to practice his g's. 

I also enjoy hearing him asking: "How are you?" and "Are you OK?" 

I relish these exchanges because I will never, ever take his speech for granted—or the fact that he has grown into making conversation and asking questions. I'm also thrilled that he's expanding his repertoire of words and phrases. Max has such a big personality, and he tries to hard to express himself through speaking even if his speech can be hard to understand.

Still, I don't hesitate to call him on it when he's teasing me.

"Max, I'm not in trouble for dropping some eggs—people make mistakes!" I tell him.

"OH!" he says, and laughs, and I do, too. 


  1. He is such a sweet boy! I can't wait to see what the future holds for our little girl in terms of her speech, but right now she can point, and attempt to say what she needs, and I'm hoping that's a sign of good things to come.

  2. Love that picture of him. Question does max stay in his school until he ages out ?

  3. It is very cute photograph. I really enjoyed your blog. I have been following this blog and it is very informative and enjoyable. Keep sharing such amazing posts. Your blog is a good platform to get good knowledge.

  4. This is such an interesting article.
    As someone who both likes to do nice things for people and has worked in a DD-esque, horribly monotonous job, I feel like there's another factor besides pity in play- after a while every customer just starts to blur together. If someone is disabled, is wearing an especially nice outfit or dropped their purse on the floor (or had a conversation with me like I was a person, which will always be appreciated) I am probably going to do something extra for that person(if I was going to for anyone) just because they stand out to me in some way. It's very easy to get lost in the company-mandated dialog and realize you don't remember a single thing about the last six hours. It's a good point, though, that feeling just like everyone else is a valid thing to want. Maybe me deliberately not singling someone out would be an act of kindness as well.
    I feel like being not-a-jerk to people is effortful and sometimes counterintuitive(even when you're not a tremendously awkward dork) and I really appreciate people who take the time to point things like this out:)

    (Just wanted to throw out there, about the wheel chair thing: I also did caregiving for the elderly* for a few years and I'm used to thinking of wheelchairs as "the thing people move into and immediately start declining.
    Once I process it, I know how freeing and life enriching they can be and usually are, but my mind definitely boo-hisses at first. I wonder if that's what people are thinking of when they praise someone for walking/using crutches instead? "walk, damn it, reassure me that you're not in serious decline!")

    *In an end-of-life altzheimers facility, so definitely on the extreme end of things.


Thanks for sharing!