Friday, July 8, 2016

The Special Needs Blogger Weekend Link-up: Share a post or two

What to do if you're new here

This is a place to share a recent favorite post you've written, or read. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post. Where it says "Your name" put the name of the blog followed by the title of the post you want to share (or just the name of the post, if there's no room—you get 80 characters).

Like this: Do you, they say—but is that always OK?

Where it says "Your URL" put the direct link to the post.

Click "Enter." Leave a comment if you want to say more. Go check out some great posts. 


  1. #18 is Star Ford's "a bit about autism for crisis line volunteers".

    This is a post which got me thinking into the night. It talks about agency and autonomy.

    Star Ford has been volunteering on crisis lines themselves and shows the important things which are priorities to Autistic people who may find themselves on a crisis line.


    From the others I am looking forward to "The day my daughter became a princess" and "What it means to be not quite verbal". Also "May I take your order" and Tessie Toodle's "Music to my ears".

    And Parental Intelligence - the http: doesn't have the two forward slashes.

  2. My recent blog post called "A Phone Call Like This" is about my often funny, sometimes unpredictable, sometimes lonely experience as a mom of a boy with ADHD and Asperger's syndrome. Making mistakes, learning from them,disequilibrium and back to equilibrium again. Thanks so much for the opportunity to share here!

  3. #22 is my other blog. Urban Decay has two shades of lipstick called "Manic" (dark red) and "Psycho" (true red). Instead of freaking out and demanding an apology, I decided to get creative.

    #23 and 24 are part of my DiSCability project. They deal with how dominant and auxiliary functions influence how one would consciously adapt to disability. I plan to cover, loops, grips, and and shadow functions in later posts.

  4. I'm excited to read some stories! Thanks again for hosting this story party, Ellen!


Thanks for sharing!