Thursday, July 9, 2015

The fantasy about the parade

Morning time. I am getting ready for work and Max says something I don't understand. His iPad is downstairs, so I grab my phone and ask him to type out the words.

He types, "Pard" and stops.

Oh. What he is is telling me is, "I want to ride a fire truck in a parade in 2016." I know, because this fantasy started a few weeks ago and he's been reminding me about it every so often. I'm not quite sure where he got the idea, but my guess is he saw a YouTube video and he was all, WOW, WHY HAVEN'T I DONE THAT YET? LIFE IS JUST PASSING ME BY.

I am not one to crush Max's fantasies. We all need them and this one's just a little more exciting than the ones I tend to have, which fall along the lines of someone locks me in a room for a few days with a big bed topped by a giant fluffy white comforter and all I do is sleep.

I am flattered that Max thinks I could pull this off. And that he understands it's not going to happen, like, next week. I have till some undesignated time in 2016.

This seems doable. It's not like Max wants me to, say, buy him a fire truck (although a couple of you have kindly sent me links to used fire trucks for sale, thankyouverymuch). I think our local fire station might participate in a Memorial Day Parade somewhere. I've added it to my to-do list, along with planning for the baby (due first week of October), planning Max's fire-truck themed bar mitzvah (April) and redoing our kitchen (August).

Maybe I can outsource this? Actually, I'd rather outsource the C-section.

Image source: Flickr


  1. Fulfilling fantasies is generally better than squelching them.

  2. At least he is giving you time. Which is huge as it shows he understands the future.


Thanks for sharing!