Wednesday, November 13, 2019

How to get diapers for kids with disabilities at no cost

Once in a while, when I think that a company offers a helpful service, I partner with them to share information. This is a sponsored feature.

One of the great wins of Max's development was potty-training. We'd tried and started a bunch of times, and it didn't kick in. Finally, just before he turned 10, we devoted ourselves to it during the week when we were holed up in a hotel because of Hurricane Sandy. Within a couple of years, Max was nighttime trained as well.

Because Max was small for his age, the biggest size pull-ups fit him. But I know other parents of children with cerebral palsy, autism and Down syndrome who have faced challenges with finding incontinence supplies, not to mention dealing with yet another expense on top of the other ones they were already juggling. 

As you may well know, sometimes our kids are not physically or psychologically ready to toilet train. Like many things in their lives, they are on their own timelines, and nobody else's. Good-quality pull-ups and diapers are key, so your child or teen can have peace of mind at school, on the playground, at an event or wherever they are. (You, too.) 

Getting free incontinence supplies for kids with disabilities

Whether your child is still in diapers or in the on-and-off-again stage of toilet training, or you have a child who cannot physically toilet train, there's a good resource I recently learned about for getting incontinence supplies at no cost through Medicaid. Here's the deal. 

To qualify for free incontinence supplies, your child should be enrolled in Medicaid for your state—some states will provide diapers, pull-ups, changing gloves, underpads (chux) and wipes to kids at least three or four years of age or up, as long as your child has a diagnosis that contributes to incontinence. You can read more about applying for Medicaid at  

It's time to figure out how to get your products, which has to be through a Medicaid-approved durable medical equipment (DME) provider. Choosing the right one can make things go smoothly, like Aeroflow Urology. Simply fill out a quick online form to see if you qualify. Your dedicated representative will verify coverage, work with your child's doctor to obtain the necessary prescription and manage all the paperwork. You can request samples before committing to a particular product to make sure you're satisfied with the quality and fit. 

And finally....
Once your child is matched with appropriate supplies, they'll be shipped to your home monthly or as insurance allows. You can make changes at any time by contacting your rep in whatever way is convenient for you—text, email or phone.

Easy peasy. And isn't it nice to have at least one easy peasy thing on your list?

Image: classroomcamera

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Thanks for sharing!