Friday, February 21, 2014

Special Needs Blogger Weekend Link-up: it's post-tastic

It's the Special Needs Blogger Weekend Link-up, and you know what to do: Call our insurance company and demand that they pay Max's therapy bills. Oh, wait. I meant, this is where you should share a favorite post.

Note: A few people have had trouble posting using Internet Explorer. Try a different browser!

What to do

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post. Where it says "Your name" put the name of the blog followed by the title of the post (or just the name of the post, if there's no room—you get 80 characters).

Like this: Love That Max: Why I Changed My Speech App Voice To Bad Guy

Where it says "Your URL" put the direct link to the post.

Click "Enter." Leave a comment if you want to say more. Go check out some great posts.

Happy linking!


  1. Thanks, Ellen. Dexter's at #14 this week. We've posted about his braille books, and how he is learning to use his fingers to feel his world. Sometimes, his cerebral palsy makes that a bit tricky! Happy weekend.

  2. Thank you for the connection. Love reading everyone' posts

  3. Thanks again for the link up. I enjoy reading new blogs and it's fun to hear from new readers on mine.

  4. This links has become a big part of my week. I love reading the posts and learn so much from the folks who take part. This week my post is about revisiting a place with my daughter I last went to just days before our little born prematurely nearly two years ago and our lives changed forever.

  5. Thank you Ellen! #31 Meet Me in Holland

  6. Thank you again! #43, The Bates Motel. :-) I worry about Samantha and the quality of the friendships she makes/will make at school, worry that she's being excluded. But sometimes something happens that makes me feel that perhaps there isn't as much to worry about.

  7. Ack I meant to comment earlier and got distracted! I posted my review of Frozen this week, as it pertains to my son Anthony, who has autism.

  8. I hope nobody minds my adding yet another link (#48) but the update on the ABLE Act was just posted today, and it's something I think might interest parents, especially.

    1. Andrew, this link-up is INCLUSIVE! :) Really appreciate your wisdom/insights here, and always.

  9. Thanks for this :) I always meet new parents, writers, bloggers :)

  10. Hi
    I just want to share 2 things. 1)I turned 16 and got my permit! It really was not that hard with a hearing aid. I just checked the box on the application asking if you have a hearing aid or have lost a hand, foot, arm or leg. Not trying to be rude but I think its kind of weird that they put that all as 1 question with no spot to specify. My mom asked if I needed anything extra having a hearing loss and the lady was clueless. So she asked another lady who said I needed a full view mirror but then did not know what it was. This other lady said I needed nothing and they (the 2 ladies argued) Then one called the state office and found out I need nothing extra, I just cant drive with a broken mirror. 2) My favorite author Ann M Martin is coming out with a new book told by the perspective
    of an 11 year old girl with high functioning autism. It is called Rain Reign and comes out in October. It is meant for 9-12 but I'll be reading it.

  11. I am now to this blogging thing but I think mine is #71. This is a part of our story. There is much more that is explained in other posts. Our son has a rare genetic disorder called x-linked hydrocephalus. My hope is to connect with someone else that may be dealing with disorder and bring hope to people with a special needs child.

  12. Over time, my personal identity has become almost overshadowed by being a mom of a child with a serious disability. Even I did realize how much that was true until my husband and I got away for a short cruise.


Thanks for sharing!