Friday, April 26, 2013

Special Needs Blogger Weekend Link-Up: Post it!

Welcome to another Special Needs Blogger Weekend Link-Up, the next best thing to having a publicist.

The idea

Link to a favorite post of the week—yours or someone else's.

What to do

Scroll all the way down to the bottom of this post. Where it says "Your name" put the name of your blog followed by the title of your post (or just the name of the post, if there's no room—you get 80 characters).

Like this: Love That Max: I'm Sexy And I Know It.

Where it says "Your URL" put the direct link to the post.

Click "Enter." Leave a comment if you want to say more. Go check out some great posts.

Happy linking!


  1. "Maya Finds Her Voice" is a video that I put together for a conference that we're presenting at tomorrow. It shows our attempts at figuring out a communication system (and starts with video of an impossibly cute 2 yr old Maya).

    It also highlights the fact that at 2 we were told her cognitive functioning was extremely low, but we (fortunately) ignored the naysayers. She's kind of inspiring, if I do say so myself :)

    Thanks for the link-up, Ellen!

  2. THanks for the link up. Love reading everyone's link!

  3. I love this. It helps me catch up on my reading. :)

  4. Happy Friday and thanks for the link up!

  5. Thanks again for having this. I linked to the second of two blog posts regarding the "report cards" from our son's ST and OT evaluations as well as forms the day care had to fill out for us to take with us come Monday, when we take our son (current diagnosis of SPD) to Little Rock for a 4-7 evaluation with a team of experts. It breaks my heart seeing the facts in black and white.

  6. thank you for hosting this! it's wonderful to read others' words about their kiddos. xoxo.

  7. Thanks for giving us a way to discover and connect with other families and professionals, Ellen! Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. No real progress-stuck in limbo Friday.

  9. Thanks, Ellen! My first link up! I'm on the ball today. :) :)

  10. I made a mistake the first time I tried to post my blog and forgot to add the title. Second time lucky - sorry to double post - I couldn't figure out how to delete the incorrect one! Thanks as always for this wonderful roundup, Ellen!

  11. Thanks, Ellen - and everyone!!

  12. Wow Ellen! Your link-up is certainly getting huge! Love it! Have a great weekend!

  13. I feel that the title of your example is inapproprite but I am still a big fan of your blog.

  14. thank you for hosting this! it's wonderful to read others' words about their kiddos. xoxo.

    Glyn Willmoth


Thanks for sharing!