Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hurricane Sandy, as described by Max


  1. Awesome and pretty darn cute! Glad you guys are all okay!

    I could've sworn he said, "chicken nugget" when you were asking him about the mac and cheese.

  2. So cute! I showed my son and he was happy to see max ....and so was I thank you Ellen we love that max .....were happy you guys are ok

  3. Love it! J is lying sick next to me all pathetic looking but he jumped up when Max started describing the hurricane noise and started laughing. :-) Please tell Max his description of everything was great! Glad you guys are ok!

  4. That was sweet! I love how he described the hurricane - we live in tornado alley, and my boy likes to imitate the sirens. These kids are awesome!!! Also, perhaps it's because I'm so used to deciphering my own son's speech, but I understood almost all of what Max was saying - good job, buddy!!

  5. Love the hurricane impression! Great talking Max!

  6. Max is awesome!! Great description of what hurricanes sound like. Dead on.

  7. cute this made me giggle thanks max

  8. Happy your all safe! Max is just too darn cute!

  9. Well, it looks like Max wasn't too traumatized by the hurricane! It was vanilla ice cream here, and we came very close to needing to run out in the hurricane to replace the missing purple socks!! Thank God they were under the blanket! Actually, Sandy didn't hit us very hard at all, but it did hit my son's on the Jersey Shore in a major way!

  10. so sweet. his smile makes me smile. Glad you're ok!

  11. That's what it sounded like!! Nice work Max!


Thanks for sharing!