Thursday, March 17, 2011



  1. Love it. I think if he was any happier, his face might bust!

  2. WOW.

    How cool is THAT? He's not just passing the time, he's making music deliberately and with a ton o' pure DELIGHT! How great that you encourage him!

    In honor of St. Paddy's Day, why not get him a tin whistle (or a plastic one) or its cousin, the all-you-have-to-do-is-hum kazoo? Helps with breath control, it's easy to create tunes with them, and the little devils, er, darlings have a blast getting on your VERY last nerve with 'em! What doesn't kill us makes us stronger,of course--and they are a cheap/fun activity that can be "recycled" (i.e., they get bored with them, you put them away for awhile, and then drag them out again). I highly recommend them if your ears can take the pain--and with good weather coming, you can always throw them out in the backyard and let them irritate the neighbors!

  3. Dude! Loved the riff in the middle.

    He's having a blast!

  4. Great stuff! Max has great rhythm, very consistent…love it, he made my morning!

  5. That's just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.

  6. That was fantastic! Next stop, MTV! (And a big thumbs up to Max for using BOTH hands! Yay!)

  7. Cool!

    Before I forget, did you see this campaign (similar to yours re twitter and the R word?)

  8. :) Look out, Justin Bieber. He is too cute.

  9. lovely lovely lovely. my popstar often has complete imaginary adventures on her rocking horse. its beautiful to watch (My post magic villages on the horizon talked about it last week, we are on the same thought pattern!) as for imaginary friends not so much yet so i will just for now enjoy max's real imaginary friend xxxx

  10. He is totally better than Justin Bieber. And yes, Felicia, WOW. I'd never seen him play like that. And yes, Mo, TWO HANDS!!!! That was especially great. He really does not enjoy using that right hand all that much.

    Louise, I'd seen that site, I mentioned it in the post I wrote about tweeting at people who used the word retard. Love that they have a site for that.


Thanks for sharing!