Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Here come the inflatable holiday decorations

We drove by this gigantic turkey the other day and Max cracked up. It is quite the sight and, as you might notice, beautifully complimented by the bubble-gum-pink house behind it.

It is one thing that several stores near us have had their windows decorated since the week after Halloween. But lawn blow-up decorations for Thanksgiving?! Come on. Not that I'm fond of the supersize Santas or ornaments or any of those monstrous lawn decorations. One of these days, someone's going to have an oversize groundhog for Groundhog's Day. A big, ballooning leprechaun for St. Patty's Day. And, oh yes, a blown-up George Washington or Abe Lincoln for President's Day.

The only inflatables I don't mind are those rats union workers put up when they are on strike. I am not sure what this says about me.

What is your philosophical take on blow-up thingies?


  1. It makes me a complete and utter snob, but I think they are tacky.
    At the same time, I admire people who manage to get their house decorated, something I have yet to manage to do more than as a token gesture.
    My kids dig the inflatables and I suppose that's the point, but I kind of have a NIMBY attitude on that. ;)

  2. Agreed, inflatable decorations are hideous!

  3. Aesthetically, I'd say they're hideous, but the kid in me says "Wheeeeeeeee! Ain't that neat! I wish I had one!!!" There's something riveting, special and amazing to a kid about a balloonish thing that is both cute and WAY bigger than you--that's the appeal of them, I guess.

    I gotta say I love the not-so-cute rat as well.

  4. Don't like'em, hubby's obsessed with them, and 3yo daughter loves the two we have. Upside: MUCH easier to store than a non-inflated decoration of the same size.

  5. I will never, ever, ever buy or host an inflatable creature on my front lawn!

    Where is the pink house? We passed it a few weeks ago and have meant to take my children there. We like looking at strangely painted houses. On our way to drop off at the Y we pass a purple house with a red door and a green house with yellow trim and orange door. Why?

  6. I think liking the rat's union inflatables makes you a socialist:)

  7. I am sort-of love hate with the inflatables. And sort-of obsessed. I made a list of inflatable menorahs, which in my opinion are only a small step away from an inflatable groundhog!

  8. gotta be careful about how you phrase certain questions, you know that right? Now I know you mean in the lawn and what-not...but the question was technically 'What is your philosophical take on blow-up thingies?'

    And to that question my answer MUST be...whatever floats thine boat.

  9. Not very fond of them myself but the kids enjoy looking at them. My main issue is trying to reign in my husbands desire to tackle one on some strangers

  10. The boys love to look at them so in that case I am A-ok with giant inflatable decorations...just as long as they aren't in my lawn

  11. Do the Christmas themed ones have to show up right after Halloween? I don't think they work for most people but can we at least keep them holiday acceptable, such as no Christmas until after Thanksgiving.

  12. I hate those inflatable things! While I'll admit that the vampire Pooh I saw on Halloween was rather cute, I think those things are completely ridiculous - and ridiculously expensive too! Last Christmas I was appalled after seeing an inflatable Nativity scene on someone's lawn.

    By the way, I cannot believe that someone actually painted their house bubble gum pink! I like pink like nearly every girl on the planet, but to paint a house the same color as Bazooka gum is - well, it's just as ridiculous as the inflatable decorations! ;)

  13. Money could be better spent than on lawn inflatables... like sponsoring a family for the holidays or local charity... that's just my take on it.

  14. I am praying that my neighbors are not among your blog readers, because they will be heading out to get an inflatable Abe Lincoln or groundhog the second Christmas is over. These people have the inflatable ghosts and pumpkins for Halloween, and then on Nov. 1 out come the Santas and snowmen.

    Yeah, you could say I'm not too much of a fan.

  15. I used to hate them, particularly around Halloween. Who needs a giant purple spider on their neighbor's lawn? But now I like them better than the realistic goulishness (including dead people and zombies) that peopl have begun to put up.

    I actually don't mind that Turkey- he's cute! But I believe that inflatables are prominent enough that they should be used only in the week or so before and of the holiday they're for.

    Why do people skip Thanksgiving and go straight to Christmas after Halloween?

  16. Some friends and I set up a giant inflatable snowman in the living room once a year when we get together to watch A Charlie Brown Christmas. We all agree that inflatable decorations on the front lawn is tacky, but inflatable decorations in the house is *awesome*!

  17. Not a fan of the blow-up thingies. Not a fan.

  18. Well, I saw this one once that looked like a snowglobe. It actually blew little pieces of fake snow around in it and was lighted up at night. I thought that one was kind of cool.

    Most of them are ugly though. My neighbors always put up giant inflatable football players and those make me laugh.

  19. I'm sort of indifferent and not really looking to put one on my lawn. That said, I did grow up watching the Thanksgiving day parade and loving it! This sort of looks like you're bringing the parade home to you. I say if you want a holiday float on your lawn -- whatever floats your boat!

  20. WHat about a blow-up Veteran for Veteran's day (note, not a blown-up Veteran because that's just in poor taste!)

    @Marcy-You should look at some photos of houses in Granada, Nicaragua. That city looks like there was a sale at a paint store and the houses are all so brightly coloured it made me happy to walk down the street the whole time I was there. The antithesis of the HOA- Covenant controlled subdivision landscape so many reside in now.

  21. In my neck of the woods they are almost never upright for very long. Storms and high winds usually demolish them....and then you are left looking at a disturbing scene of the Santa face down and flailing all over the front lawn.

  22. I just wanted to say that I stumbled upon this page while looking for an inflatable groundhog for groundhog day.


Thanks for sharing!